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Saturday, May 28, 2022

This Is What Answered Prayer Looks Like!

At 3:50 am I woke to take meds and pray. After praying for all my people the Lord put the thought in my head to take off my oxygen cannula for the rest of the morning. Without hesitation and without checking my pulse ox, I removed it in faith and went back to sleep for a beautiful restful 3 hours. The best night’s sleep I’ve had in 6 weeks! 

Doni and I had a praise-filled breakfast of one of my favorite meals…avocado toast!!

Then these lawn fairies, aka, Scott and Denise, just showed up to cut and trim our lawn and pull my weeds!!! God uses so many people to display His great love for us and I’m humbled at the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God. 

I had unbelievable strength this afternoon and I wanted desperately to ride my mountain bike but I’m not quite ready for that yet, however, I did make Doni take me on a nature walk for 20 minutes with my O2 on just for good measure and I relished the physical gift of being able to breathe in fresh air and see God’s trees while I very slowly walked so as to not over exert myself. I’ll never take a simple walk in the woods for granted again. 

Then Doni wanted to celebrate my healing journey by getting me a lobster lunch from Dorothy Lane Market.

 And also to celebrate the decision to continue our plans, regardless of what the doctors say, to build out our new camper van that was delivered today!


I think at this point, when it’s home worthy, we will just sell everything and go enjoy every waking and sleeping moment together traveling and canoeing and mountain biking wherever my body will allow for as long as we can until the Lord calls us Home. I don’t want to waste one more moment not living like every day is a precious gift. No diagnosis is going to stop me from living! Be sure that I’ll still take my medicine and make wise choices in health, sleep, supplements, and exercise. Things just might look differently than I might have dreamed 2 months ago but this Warrior Fighter Mama isn’t done living her best years!

And how thankful beyond measure I am for the cards from our Special Olympics athletes and family, a delicious lunch left by dear old neighbors Bonnie and Steve, help with transportation from the most faithful friends Tim and Monique and endless prayers from all of YOU!! 

Tonight my son and friends Emily and Austin came in to visit and Emily made me yummy and healthy dinner. So great to see them again!
And to top of my night, my kindred friend, Lynn, came to be with me and the connection we have is difficult to explain other than to say it’s unquestionably from God. Sharing of lives, stories of how God moves, miracles discussed, praying over me and worshiping with me…. This and so much more!


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