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Saturday, June 11, 2022

Be Still And Know I am God

This morning after a restful night’s sleep (answered prayer) I woke up and stood on my back patio sipping hot chocolate mint tea and drank in the warm sunrise. I observed the massive trees before me as I listened to the birds wake up and sing to me. I was mesmerized at the stillness of the leaves. Not one flutter. The beauty was in their stillness and God wanted to remind me that I was to be still and have a deep knowing that He is God and all will be well. I took in a FULL breath and realized that I was breathing more and more deeply. It literally brought tears to my eyes  I’ll never ever take Breathing for granted.

My long time friend Aimee who came in for the weekend woke up shortly after me and she and I went for an early walk. Another miracle! I walked one mile at a normal clip without feeling winded or like my heart would burst out of my chest from beating too fast. THIS was such a gift, so obvious a miracle that I couldn’t contain my sense of gratitude! We walked to our creek and sat and talked for hours about life, God, family and tried to catch up on the past 20 years! 

This afternoon my former boss, Dr Henize, came by with beautiful flowers and visited. This kind man and friend visited me every month when I went through my breast cancer treatments in 2016 and we continued to meet for breakfast at North Star almost monthly for the past 5 years since. I’m blessed to have so many dear people in my life that are friends from our past working relationships. 

Shout out to a few beautiful humans whom continue to bless and serve me!! Jake Cass mow the property where John’s shop is and that’s no small feat!! Our neighbors Denise and Scott whom we hardly know just show up weekly to care for our lawn at the house. Thank you for your faithfulness, generosity and examples of amazing neighbors! 

There is a wonderful company that I’m familiar with, since my career has been in the dental field, called StellaLife that makes organic, homeopathic, botanical oral rinse and products for soothing and healing tissues in our mouths. Well I was informed that this chemo might cause mouth sores so I reached out to my friends there and shared what’s going on with me. They sent me FREE full size bottles of their healing products so that I don’t have these chemo side effects!! It’s not because I recommended their products for the past 10 years to hundreds of my patients that they so generously gave these to me. It’s because God moved them to serve and love on me and God has shown favor on me. My Heavenly Father loves to lavish me with His goodness. 

My new friend, Kelly, honored me in a cancer walk and here she is!! Thank you lovely sister!

The Lord is faithful to remind me daily of His purpose in my life. I’m so blessed. I’m so thankful. I hope each person reading this has a relationship with God and knows how precious you are to Him. Some well-intended folks have said that they don’t understand how God could do such a thing to me and they hold a grudge against Him or worse yet, they don’t even believe He exists! If I could expose my heart here and tell you that I’ve never once for a millisecond held space for anger or blame toward God about my circumstance. In fact, I can THANK God for it! Not because it’s fun or enjoyable, but because my walk with God is profoundly sweeter and more intimate, my opportunity to share about Him is easier and He has given me a platform to share with so many about His love and plan for us through Jesus!! This is my whole entire purpose in life!! You’ve heard that none of us are getting out of here alive? Well, if that’s the case, I hope I have the chance to share with as many people as possible about God’s plan and promises for what happens after our bodies stop living and our eternal spirit continues on. It matters and I want everyone of you reading, praying, and hearing about my situation to have the same comfort and peace that I do. I pray that God gives me one more day to talk about Him. 


Anonymous said...

❤️❤️❤️ Amen. Your post continue to humble me as I read about your journey, love and how God moves. ❤️FP

Anonymous said...

Amen! Love you sister! I am so thankful that we will have eternity to spend together...miss you lots

C Henize said...

Eric so enjoyed his visit with you. He’s blessed to have you in his life. You’re such a faithful inspiration to us!
Lots of love to you! Cathy

Anonymous said...

I love you my beautiful sister in Christ! It was my honor to walk in your honor. You are changing lives, my friend ❤️