Blog Archive

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Dr White

Today I went back up to The James and met Dr Julia White and her resident, Dr Mike. Both were amazing but Dr White is truly an answer to all of our prayers. My sister used to work with her and I couldn’t be in better hands. After a consultation, she took a CT to mark where my rib bones are fractured and hurt so that she can put together a plan that she’ll start next Wednesday when I’m going up already for an MRI of my liver. She will administer palliative radiation therapy. It may take 1-4 weeks before I notice improvement but she’s very hopeful.

Afterwards I was in quite a bit of discomfort the rest of the day, probably from all the poking and prodding. It was a less physically active day other than going to Whole Foods for some Sea Bass. I’ve had cravings for good wild caught fish. John grilled it along with some savory organic vegetables. If anyone wonders what I like to eat these days, I haven’t met a wild caught fish I don’t like! And thanks to all who’ve prayed that food and Asea will start tasting better because finally the chemo is out of my body enough that food tastes so much better again! 

Tonight Linda and I continued enjoying reading scripture and praying together after dishes were cleaned up then I really just wanted an oxycodone and to go to bed to sleep off the rib pain. 

Sitting in bed with the lights out and listening to my nightly worship songs while singing along in the purest worship I know how. Gratitude by Brandon Lake and Million Little Miracles by Elevation Music. My arms stretched wide and a soft song in my heart and mind enveloped in the love of Christ. 

Thankful for another day. 

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