Blog Archive

Saturday, June 4, 2022


Reporting about the activities of my day seems to be something I’ve come to wonder just how much people really want to hear about. Regardless, I’ll write and let you decide if it’s of interest still. 

Still no supplemental oxygen today needed unless I am in public and wearing a mask. I don’t like going to crowded places much these days. Too many germs out there right now. Anyone who has cracked a rib from coughing can appreciate me not wanting to get sick with any respiratory infection! My cracked rib is certainly more tender and achy today than yesterday. As for a side effect of chemo that is more pronounced in the past couple days that’s disgusting…the taste of food has now changed! So many foods and my Asea are extremely bitter. Sweet things still taste good, but I’m doing only natural sweet foods and a little honey and no desserts or sweets.

Today I did get outside twice and walked around the block without getting winded and we went to Cox Arboretum and I climbed to the top of the tower!!!!  Miracles every day!

Tonight my son came by and we all visited which is always a gift to be in the presence of loved ones. 

Then before going to bed, Stephanee played her guitar for us and we sang some favorites. She ended with a special good night song just for me. 
Then I’ll share one last blessing of the day. Almost every night I listen to Gratitude and worship as my weak lungs try to hold a note or sing the same pitch. Lately since all this started, I was gasping for air and was singing mostly in whispers and in my head because my lung capacity couldn’t do more. But tonight as I sang, it was different! I could hold long notes and sing more normally!! For me, this is a huge praise and evidence of just one more miracle!!


Anonymous said...

I’m so happy that you can sing!! That is a miracle!

Anonymous said...

And wow, I can’t believe you climb to the top of that tower!!!!!!

Debbie Kindschuh said...

Those were my two previous comments. I do love to read your blogs, please continue!!! I was telling Randy that you have built such a loving community and you are being rewarded for your past positive vibes!!!