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Saturday, June 18, 2022

On my bike again!

Every day gets better and I declare it’s ALL God’s doing! 

Woke this morning reading with Lys and the Lord helped me through a little bump in the road using His Word and helping me “move a position”! Thanks to Jesus and Wayne!! 

Then after a very long shower and washing my hair 7 times because it wouldn’t stop falling out, I realized that it’s been about the 2 week mark since taking the 2nd round of chemo that causes hair loss and I now know that there’s only a few showers left before I’m patchy bald so this weekend I’ll probably really have to shave my head! Fist fulls is how I’d describe it!

But I also felt GREAT! Virtually no rib pain, no struggle to breathe getting out of bed, and my energy felt practically normal! So I informed John that today I WAS going to ride my mountain bike, even if only around the block! So I did! My new friend, Brenda, who is a mountain biking coach with “For The Love Of Bikes” will be over joyed!! It’s one step closer to my dream of riding with her one day!

Then on to brunch with my son and my friend, Sarah Marie! I’m so blessed to have adult kids that enjoy spending time with me! 

I’m determined to rebuild my endurance so I also went on a mile hike with Karen R and plan on doing this as much as possible! While the doctors may say that I have advanced breast cancer, and tell me I shouldn’t do this or that, I’m going to EMBRACE every day with a positive attitude and gratitude for all my million little miracles. 

Shout out to a long time friend of mine whose birthday it is today and instead of getting gifts, she planned and perfectly executed to send ME a gift on her birthday because that’s just how humble she is! Love this prayed-over soft and comfy wrap! Thank you, Tina, aka FP! 

Feeling so thankful today and looking forward to spending the day with my husband on Father’s Day and working on the WonderVan!

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