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Thursday, June 2, 2022

What goes up must come down

I had such a sweet morning with the Lord this morning at 5:30 am. Heard the birds chirping and made a cup of tea then sat outside on my back patio under the cover of a tree and listened to the birds while reading Ephesians. 

Oh how I love The Passion Translation of the Bible.  

While I woke up feeling still quite energized from the steroids, as the day has gone on, I’m getting more fatigued and feeling just “off”. I started a new supplement call black seed oil capsules and unfortunately I burp the disgusting taste and it’s making me feel urp-y. Such a bummer as this is supposed to be very effective in helping heal cancer. I’m not sure I can stand this taste all day every day. Maybe I’ll try taking it before bed?

My dear friend Kathy P is headed back to Phoenix today. We’ve been friends for 30 years and it’s been a relaxing joy to do life with her for the past couple days. Fortunately she got me on steroids yesterday so it really didn’t feel like she was visiting a sick friend that she had to take care of.  I called the nurse at the James to ask about symptoms and she said they typically don’t start for 3-5 days post chemo so I guess the chance of the nausea and diarrhea is still potentially in the near future but let’s pray it doesn’t happen. 

Right as Kathy was leaving, my favorite oldest sister and one of her daughters, Stephanee, drove all the way from Milwaukee, WI to tend to me for the weekend. I wish I felt perky like yesterday, but before I got too tired, we made a run to Dorothy Lane Market to sample all their yummy favorite foods. 

When we got back home I really started feeling somewhere between nauseous, achy and foggy brained. Took a hot shower because I felt uncontrollably chilled. While washing my hair I realized that IT’S TIME! Tomorrow my sis and niece might shave my head so that I don’t have long hair clogging my sink, shower and falling all over the floor. When this much comes out in one shower, you know it’s time. 

Unfortunately, I really hit a wall tonight after dinner and had a coughing fit and I’m pretty sure I fractured another rib. As I sat in bed trying to calm down, Karen lovingly brushed my hair while we all told funny stories from the kid’s childhood. It was a good distraction and once the oxycodone kicked in I felt better. 

So thankful for the love being showered on me every day. 

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